Our Opinion
Biolase Inc. is on the Cruelty Free Investing use of animals list because they exploit animals for pre-clinical trials and testing the effects of their laser devices.
The following report cites that, “The company investigated the biostimulatory effects of laser thoroughly. In vitro experimental evidence has demonstrated the acceleration of collagen synthesis in fibroblast cultures. Increased formation of granulation tissue and increased rates of epithelialisation in laser-irradiated wounds were some of the effects found in vivo tests on animals.” (Page 45) Read the full article.
Company Description
BIOLASE, Inc. is a medical technology company. It develops, manufactures, markets, and sells laser systems in dentistry and medicine and also markets, sells, and distributes dental imaging equipment, including cone beam digital x-rays and CAD/CAM intra-oral scanners, in-office, chair-side milling machines and three-dimensional printers. The company offers two categories of laser system products: Waterlase systems and Diode systems. The company also manufactures and sells accessories and disposables for its laser systems, such as hand pieces, laser tips and tooth whitening gel. BIOLASE was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Irvine, CA. [Source: MarketWatch]
Website: http://www.biolase.com