Our Opinion
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics Inc. is on the Cruelty Free Investing use of animals list because they conduct pre-clinical studies of their drugs on animals to assess a product’s safety profile.
Supporting Evidence:
The company stated in the following report that they exploit animals for product testing.
“Preclinical data from animal and in vitro studies, as well as biologic data from patients in clinical trials, demonstrate that IRX‑2 acts in multiple ways to augment the immune response. The following illustration shows how IRX‑2 is believed to use its multiple active cytokine components to enhance the immune response.” (Page 6) Read the full document
Company Description
Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics, Inc. (Brooklyn), formerly NTN Buzztime, Inc., is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The Company is focused on cytokine-based therapies in treating patients with cancer, both as a single agent and in combination with other anti-cancer therapies.
Company Website: https://brooklynitx.com