Our Opinion
Pfizer is on our list of exploiting animals because of its use of animals in testing its products. According to PETA, Pfizer subjects huge numbers of animals to cruel and lethal experiments every year. In 2011, Pfizer experimented on nearly 50,000 animals—including 2,557 dogs, 1,159 primates, 452 cats, 7,076 guinea pigs, 31,560 hamsters, 5,512 rabbits, 1,680 gerbils, and 161 horses—in its own laboratories. More than 15,000 of these animals were forced to endure painful experiments, and more than 6,000 were denied pain relief. These numbers don’t include mice and rats or any of the animals used in Pfizer experiments bycontract testing laboratories.
The company has also been listed in PETA for 12 Worst CEOs for Animals in Laboratories.
PETA has repeatedly used shareholder resolutions to hold Pfizer to account for its treatment of animals in its own laboratories and at contract facilities, but Pfizer has rebuffed PETA’s efforts and has refused to take responsibility for its cruelty and violations of federal law.
Read about PETA’s shareholder resolution campaign.
Company Description
Pfizer Inc. is an American global pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in New York City, with its research headquarters in Groton, Connecticut. It is among the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.Pfizer develops and produces medicines and vaccines for a wide range of medical disciplines, including immunology, oncology, cardiology, diabetology/endocrinology, and neurology.
Website: http://www.pfizer.com