Our Opinion
Puma Biotechnology is on the Cruelty Free Investing list for exploiting animals because the company does animal testing for some of their medical products and therapies.
Supporting Evidence:
The company stated in the following article that they conduct pre-clinical trials of their drugs on animals.
“On observation, the tumors were deep and diverse in the untreated animals; however, completely destroyed in the PDT treated animals, suggesting that the Theralase PDCs elicit a strong immune-mediated response.” Read the following article
Company Description
Puma Biotechnology, Inc. is a development stage biopharmaceutical company. It acquires and develops innovative products for the treatment of various forms of cancer. The company focuses on in-licensing drug candidates that are undergoing or have already completed initial clinical testing for the treatment of cancer and then seek to further develop those drug candidates for commercial use. [Source: MarketWatch]
Company Website: http://www.pumabiotechnology.com