Our Opinion
Reata Pharmaceuticals is on the Cruelty Free Investing list for exploiting animals because the company does animal testing in developing and commercializing of some of their pharmaceutical products.
Supporting Evidence:
The company stated in the following press release that they conduct pre-clinical trials of their drugs on animals.
“Bardoxolone methyl and closely related structural analogs have been shown to improve renal function, reduce inflammation, and prevent injury, remodeling, and fibrosis in many animal models of renal injury and disease.” Read the following article
Company Description
Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, which engages in identifying, developing, and commercializing pharmaceutical products. Its products include cardiovascular, rare diseases, immune-oncology, and ophthalmology. [Source: MarketWatch]
Company Website: https://reatapharma.com